We would like to inform our readers that Association of Basic Medical Sciences, beginning with this year, will publish Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences at least quarterly, depending of your submissions.
As it is previously announced, the second opening lecture form of the International and Scientific Symposium about human embryo and its cloning held in Sarajevo, 15 February 2003 (“Scientific, ethical and religious dilemmas over the status of human embryo and its cloning”) is published in this issue.
In this issue, in concordance with the current world situation and after the suggestions of some of our distinguish colleagues, we decide to publish a review article on aetiology and epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) -a new emerging disease.
We kindly remind our readers to inform other colleagues and associates about the Association and our membership.
All observation, suggestions, and proposals from our readers are more then welcome and will improve the quality of the Journal.
We are inviting scientists from not only entire Bosnia and Herzegovina but internationally, to participate in next issues and hope that many of them will answer our invitation.
Sarajevo, May, 2003
Editorial Board
How to Cite
Accepted 2018-04-15
Published 2003-08-20