The first edition of the Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences in the year 2004 is a great opportunity for the Editorial Board to authenticate its complete successfulness in realisation of the intentions to progressively achieve the major aim: to issue one edition every three months or four editions per a year.
In addition, there is an increasing number of scientists being interested to publish the results of their investigations in our journal. We also need to emphasise, that an augmented number of authors from the foreign countries are attracted by the scope of the journal.
In this edition, we issue the rest of scientific papers about cloning, which were presented during the Symposium in Sarajevo.
The Association of Basic Medical Sciences has performed necessary additions in its Presidency, Editorial Board and Advisory board.
We are proud to mention that we have daily contacts with younger native and foreign scientists interested in collaboration within our journal.
We take in consideration all suggestions with purpose to improve the quality of the journal. In addition, we are grateful for all of your opinions, advices and recommendations that we constantly try to accept and implement.
Sarajevo, Februar, 2004
Editorial Board
How to Cite
Accepted 2018-04-04
Published 2004-02-20