A Case of T/null Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Arising in Lung
lung, anaplastic large cell lymphomaAbstract
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) is a rare non-Hodgkin, T-cell lymphoma, representing only 2-3% of all lymphoid neoplasm's in adults according to World Health Organization (WHO). CD30 antigen-positive, large neoplastic cells characterize ALCL. We present here a 46-year-old male with pulmonary ALCL previously diagnosed with Hodgkin disease. Microscopically, atypical bi-and multinucleated cells with frequent mitoses were present. The neoplastic cells were large and had clear cytoplasm, large vesicular nuclei, and prominent nucleoli. Immunophenotypic analysis revealed LCA, vimentin and CD30 positivity. ALK immunostaining was negative. Immunohistochemical profile was consistent with ALK negative ALCL. The progression of Hodgkin lymphoma to aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma (ALCL in this case) is well known entity. After the diagnosis was established, our patient immediately had been referred to the Department of Hematology in order to get appropriate chemotherapy, necessary in such cases.

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Accepted 2018-02-06
Published 2006-08-20