Registration and Analysis of Bioelectric Activity of Sensory-Motor Cortex During the Electrical Stimulation of Nucleus Caudate in Rats


  • Snežana Medenica-Milanović Medical faculty Foća, University East Sarajevo
  • Siniša Ristić Medical faculty Foća, University East Sarajevo
  • Vladimir Turuntaš Medical faculty Foća, University East Sarajevo
  • Mirjana Mirić Medical faculty Foća, University East Sarajevo
  • Milan Kulić Medical faculty Foća, University East Sarajevo



nucleusc caudate, basal bioelectric activity, sensory-motor cortex


Background and purpose

The caudate circuit takes part in cognitive control of motor activity The purpose of the present work was registration and analysis of basic bioelectrical activity of ventral and dorsal sensory-motor cortex and nucleus caudate, study of the changes in EEG after nucleus caudate electrical stimulation and to identify of threshold level of electrical stimuli responsible for changes of electrical activity in registered brain area.

Materials and methods

We used 28 albino Wistar rat of both genders. After the animal fixation on stereotaxic apparatus to dry bone, the places for electrode fixation were marked. Two days after the electrodes had been implanted an EEG was registered so that the animals would adjust to the conditions and so they would repair the tissue reactions. EEG was registered with bipolar electrodes with ten-channeled apparatus. For first half an hour spontaneous activity of the brain was registered, and after that the head of nucleus caudate was stimulated with altered impulses of various voltages, frequency and duration.

Results and conclusions

Threshold values of electric stimulus intensity from 3 to 5 V, frequency from 3 to 5 Hz, duration from 3 to 5 ms, by stimulation the head of nucleus caudate of rat, lead to the change of basal bioelectric activity of cerebrum. The change of bioelectric activity is firstly recorded in equilateral cortex, and with the higher intensity of the stimulus the changes overtake the contra lateral cortex.



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Registration and Analysis of Bioelectric Activity of Sensory-Motor Cortex During the Electrical Stimulation of Nucleus Caudate in Rats






Short Communication


How to Cite

Registration and Analysis of Bioelectric Activity of Sensory-Motor Cortex During the Electrical Stimulation of Nucleus Caudate in Rats. Biomol Biomed [Internet]. 2007 May 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];7(2):157-63. Available from:
Received 2018-01-25
Accepted 2018-01-25
Published 2007-05-20