Correlation Between Refraction Level and Retinal Breaks in Myopic Eye
myopia, “critical”, refraction, retinal breaksAbstract
In this study we analyzed 180 myopic eyes in order to determine the refraction that is “critical” for the occurrence of retinal breaks as a main cause of retinal detachment. Detachment of retina involves separation of the neurosensory retina from the pigmented epithelium with the severe impairment of vision. After the focused ophthalmological assessment, determination of objective refraction, indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy, we compared the diagnosed retinal breaks according to the shape with the refraction. All the examined eyes were divided into six groups according to the axis length. Mean age of our patients was between 48,43 and 51,60 years with SD ranging from 13,88 to 18,45. The age differences among the groups were not statistically significant. This study included 102 (56,7%) male and 78 (43,3%) female patients and no statistically significant differences between genders was found regarding the occurrence of retinal breaks compared to refraction. The most dominant ruptures were the round ones (28,2%), followed by oval (25%), the category of multiple small holes (19,2%), horseshoe shaped (15,3%), and finally holes with operculum. In cases with myopic refraction ranging between 3,50 and 7,49 dsph, the frequency of retinal breaks statistically significantly differs from all other analyzed refractions. Also, there is positive correlation between the above mentioned myopic refraction and the frequency of retinal breaks.
In order to prevent retinal detachment in a myopic eye, we suggest further thorough examinations of the eye fundus in patients with the above mentioned myopia. Diagnosing retinal breaks involves the application of adequate therapy: laser photocoagulation, cryotherapy, sclera buckling and pneumatic retinopexy.

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Accepted 2017-12-27
Published 2008-11-20