

  • Editorial Board Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences





It has been 10 years since the Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences had emerged in PubMed as accepted by the Medline. The journal has been the voice of the Association of Basic Medical Sciences (ABMS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH). We can still remember the foundation assembly of ABMS BH with the auditorium at the Institute of Physiology at the Medical Faculty, Sarajevo, full of the most respected representatives of the scientific community accepting with delight the idea to restore considerably reduced number of scientist in 1992 in the field of basic medical sciences. All members of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina who were in the country at that time, came to this gathering to provide their support in founding ABMS. The idea to establish the journal was accepted and the conclusion was made to invite experts in some fields for collaboration by providing their scripts, to accept the role of reviewers, and to write editorials in relevant fields (genetics, immunology, molecular biology). At that time, nobody was aware that that Assembly was the beginning of affirmation and promotion of the journal that has, after years of regular publishing, become an international brand which web page has visited thousands of scientists from 147 countries. For all of us who have all this time been anonymous technical support and initiators of all activities related to collecting manuscripts, ensuring independent reviews, writing editorials, and obtaining financing for 4 annual editions of the journal, all these would not have been possible without support from our academic community. We have to remember especially our deceased members of Academy Seid Hukovic, Aleksandar Nikulin, and Jela Grujic-Vasic, and current active support from Academics Muhidin Hamamdzic and Ljubomir Berberovic, and our departed Professors - Irfan Zulic, Vladimir Milicevic, Husein Susic, Branko Nikolin and Dubravka Potkonjak. Nevertheless, it should be stressed that all this journey has most frequently been excruciating for all those involved. This has been a period during which for mere journal “survival”, we encountered incredible situations that we had to overcome by providing determined powerful arguments and persuasions, and with the help of many contacts and friends of the journal. At the moment when we remember all the details, some of which mentioned here, we can proudly stress that younger, far and wide educated, generations are emerging. We sincerely wish that by using their knowledge and determination, they ensure publishing of their research, achieve knowledge transfer, become accessible, and affirm themselves in the world’s meticulous intellectual market. Hence, we call upon all of you to publish your best research in the journal which has achieved a considerable reputation with its web page visited by a respectable number of scientists from many countries. Though a small country, we have quite distinguished Diaspora that want to collaborate with their native country and that has established their place in a brutal competition within the job market. Each year, famous scientists, members of Bosnia Herzegovina American Academy of Arts and Sciences (BHAAAS) from the USA, come to one of the university centers in BH. Through a direct exchange of knowledge, they help most recent scientific discoveries and breakthroughs in the world to come closer to their colleagues in the homeland. Many times our journal has made possible for these authors to publish all of their manuscripts exclusively.

Editorial Board

Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences



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How to Cite

Refresher. Biomol Biomed [Internet]. 2013 May 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];13(2):71. Available from:
Received 2017-08-16
Accepted 2017-08-16
Published 2013-05-20