Non-endoscopic minimally invasive evacuation of intracerebral hematoma (ICH): A case report
Intracerebral hemorrhage, ICH, bleeding disorders, hematoma evacuation, minimally invasive surgeryAbstract
Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is one of the most serious causes of stroke, leading to high rates of disability and mortality. In addition to intensive medical treatment, surgery may help to improve the prognosis in patients with ICH. A rapid reversal of coagulopathy is essential in these patients, although it may be difficult to achieve in various bleeding disorders. In such cases, when surgery is needed, a minimally invasive approach is recommended. In this case report, we described and shortly discussed the evacuation of ICH with a minimally invasive non-endoscopic surgical technique.
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Accepted 2017-08-06
Published 2018-11-07