The Reviewer of the Month for October 2024: Roozbeh Heidarzadehpilehrood, PhD

The peer review process is essential to maintaining the quality and reliability of scientific publications. Every month, the BiomolBiomed Editorial team recognizes a reviewer who has provided exceptional evaluations of the manuscripts they have reviewed.  

This month, we’re pleased to announce that the Reviewer of the Month Award goes to Roozbeh Heidarzadehpilehrood, MSc, PhD. Dr. Roozbeh is currently working at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. He got his PhD at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia. His review stood out for its exceptional quality, offering valuable insights that significantly helped authors improve the clarity and rigor of their research.

We spoke with Dr. Roozbeh to discuss his peer-review philosophy and his perspective on the publishing industry. He shared his research interests and commented on recent developments and challenges in his field. Here are some highlights from our conversation:

Dr. Roozbeh, could you elaborate on your main research interests and any new directions or innovations that are particularly relevant in your field right now?

My main research interests lie in the intersection of molecular biology and bioinformatics, with a particular focus on understanding the genetic and epigenetic factors contributing to complex disorders such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Glioblastoma. My work primarily involves utilizing high-throughput sequencing data, such as RNA-seq and miRNA-seq, to identify potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets.

Currently, there is a significant shift towards integrating multi-omics data, including genomics, transcriptomics, and epigenomics, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of disease mechanisms. Additionally, the development and application of advanced in silico analysis methods, like Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA), are opening new avenues for identifying key regulatory networks and hub genes involved in disease pathogenesis. These innovations are pushing the boundaries of precision medicine, enabling more personalized and targeted therapeutic strategies.

How do you balance the need for constructive criticism with the need to be supportive of the authors?

Balancing constructive criticism with support for authors is fundamental to the peer-review process. I approach each manuscript with the understanding that the authors have invested significant time and effort into their work. My goal is to provide feedback that not only highlights areas for improvement but also recognizes the strengths of the study.

To achieve this balance, I focus on being clear and specific in my comments, offering actionable suggestions that can help enhance the manuscript’s quality. I also make a point to acknowledge the positive aspects of the work, which can encourage the authors and motivate them to address the critiques with a constructive mindset. The ultimate aim is to help the authors refine their work so that it can make a valuable contribution to the field.

What steps can be taken to improve the peer-review process to ensure it better aligns with the needs and expectations of today’s researchers?

The peer-review process is the cornerstone of academic publishing, but it must continually evolve to meet the changing needs of researchers. One key improvement would be the incorporation of more transparent and open review practices. This could involve making reviewer comments and author responses publicly available, which would increase accountability and encourage more thorough and thoughtful reviews.

Another important step is to recognize and incentivize the contributions of reviewers. Journals could offer more tangible benefits, such as discounts on publication fees or acknowledgment in journal communications, to motivate reviewers to invest the necessary time and effort.

We are thrilled to acknowledge Dr. Roozbeh Heidarzadehpilehrood as our Reviewer of the Month and greatly value his contributions to the scientific community. We hope his outstanding work will serve as an inspiration for other reviewers to strive for excellence. Furthermore, we urge everyone to recognize the peer review process as an essential part of the scientific publishing system.