Reviewer of the month June 2022
We are pleased to announce that the June 2022 Reviewer of the Month Award goes to Dr. Teodora Stankova.
To encourage hard work and dedication "behind the scenes" to improve scientific publications, BJBMS editors select one reviewer each month who has performed best among all reviewers in the current month. The selection is based on the quality, thoroughness, and timeliness of the reviews. This is a difficult task for our editors as they try not to underestimate the time and effort of each reviewer who has reviewed for the BJBMS in the current month.
Dr. Teodora Stankova, senior assistant professor at the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Medical College of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, has a special research interest in studying the role of posttranslationally modified proteins and soluble receptors in the intricate pathobiochemical mechanisms of various diseases (mainly endocrine and rheumatic diseases). However, a new project is currently expanding Dr. Stankova's scientific horizons in the field of dental implantology. Identification of new perspective disease biomarkers is also a central part of her studies.
We asked Dr. Stankova about the importance and other aspects of peer review in general:
"The peer review process is an integral part of the work of scientists and the best mechanism for advancing knowledge and maintaining standards in the field through rigorous but thoughtful, unbiased, and constructive evaluations of manuscripts. I consider the opportunity to serve as a peer reviewer a great privilege, as it allows me to support and advance research in my field and keep abreast of the latest discoveries. In addition, the peer review process pays me back in that it has made me more critical and thus improved my own manuscripts. I am pleased to have served as a reviewer for the BJBMS because it provides high-quality, interdisciplinary studies that are of interest to a broad scientific audience."
BJBMS congratulates Dr. Teodora Stankova and wishes her many awards and recognitions in the future.