14th Bryan Warren School of Pathology: Soft Tissue Pathology
14th Bryan Warren School of Pathology will go virtual (Zoom Platform) on 6th November 2021.
The School is organized jointly by the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology (BDIAP), and the Association of Basic Medical Sciences FBIH.
The lecturers will be two renowned, world-class soft tissue pathologists Prof. Cyril Fisher, Consultant Histopathologist and Emeritus Professor of Tumour Pathology (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust and The Institute of Cancer Research, University of London) and Dr. Khin Thway (Consultant Histopathologist and Reader (Assoc Professor) in Translational Pathology, the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and The Institute of Cancer Research, University of London).
More information can be found at www.bosnianpathology.org